Sunday 27 September 2015

My First Step into the World of Technology

Personal learning goals for Current and Emerging Pedagogical Technologies:
I believe that setting goals is an important part of learning. Below I have listed several learning goals for myself that I hope to achieve by the end of this course.
  • Understanding all of the components of conducting research and establishing enough time for myself to complete all of these components properly.
  • Learn how to use 5 different types of technology (apps, programs, devices) that can support my future teaching practices and students learning.
  • Compare traditional classrooms that used no technology to modern classrooms that use technology daily or weekly and learn what ways I can tap into both kinds of atmospheres.
  • Create a Professional Learning Community with a group of my peers and learn from each others research manuscripts and Professional Learning Plans.
Previous educational technology experience: 
I do not have very much experience working with technology, however, I have been exposed to many different devices. These devices include: PC’s, Macs, tablets, Interactive Whiteboards, iPads, and cellphones. Although I do not have professional training and experience working with these types of devices, I have grown up in a society that is very technologically equipped. In other words, I speak somewhat of the same language as these devices. My previous experience includes:
  •          Multimedia throughout junior high school. This class taught students about making PowerPoints, using other Office features, and how to navigate around a PC and a Mac.
  •          Typing class that focussed on teaching students to type quickly without errors. This class broke down keyboards into sections, such as home row, function keys, and control keys, and taught the function of each key both PC and Mac.
  •       Microsoft Excel tutorial at Mount Royal University.
What burning question do you have about the use digital technologies in K to 6 education? 
Does technology support students creativity in primary education? What kinds of technology can be used to support their creative thinking?

Why this question is important to me:
This question is important to me because I believe that creative thinking can take students just as far, and maybe even farther, than analytical thinking can. There are many ways to encourage students to think and work creatively, however, technology is becoming very prevalent in today's society. This makes me think - why not take advantage of these resources and use them for more than games and social media? I hope to learn all the different technologies, apps, programs, and devices that I can use in my teaching practices that will encourage students to take risks and challenge themselves to think outside of the box and outside of the traditional ways of thinking. With the use of technology, students have the opportunity to work with hundreds of different apps and programs that can be used as a creative outlet. They have endless possibility at their fingertips and endless chances to start over.  
Below I have linked a TedTalk video that I felt was very relevant to what I am talking about. Raj discusses "blended learning" and the use of technology in classrooms. Click the link to learn more. 
Can Technology Change Education? Yes!
- By Raj Dhingra 

Why education important to me:
Education is important to me because I believe that pedagogy is a lifelong experience. I do not believe that we stop learning when we graduate from high school or from university, nor do I believe that we learn differently in every grade. Education contributes to every aspect of society and is essentially what keeps the world turning. Without education global issues would not be addressed, technology would not advance, healthcare would not continue to grow, cultural groups would be divided, history would be lost, English would not be the universal language today, and individuals would not challenge themselves to reach their fullest potential.

I truly believe that education played a significant role in the person that I am today. It shaped my beliefs about the world and myself, it taught me about my country’s history, it pushed me to learning about things that were abstract (and sometimes scary), it socialized me and brought me my closest friends, and lastly it was a place where I could always question new things. My hope is that I can carry on my beliefs on the importance of education to my future students and share with them the wonders of education.